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AI and Art WK01 Larry Cuba

Hello everybody, today I want to introduce you a famous artist called Larry Cuba.

Larry Cuba is a famous using of computers in animation art. His style follows some sixties artists such as John Whitney, Lillian Schwartz….His first computer-animation product is published in 1974 Called First Fig.

His work:

First Fig
(1974) 6 minute 16mm, Color

3/78 (Objects and Transformations)
(1978) 6 minutes 16mm, B/W

Sixteen 'objects', each consisting of one hundred points of light, perform a series of precisely choreographed rhythmic transformations. Accompanied by the sound of a Shakuhachi (the Japanese bamboo flute), the film is an exercise in the visual perception of motion and mathematical structure.

Two Space
(1979) 8 minutes 16mm, B/W

Calculated Movements
(1985) 6 minutes 16mm, B/W

Current work:

He try to use the word to describe the picture which is generating by the computer.

The products are not very beautiful however I want to say is say it is very hard in that generation. Why I choose this artist? There is a story about this artist. In 1974, Cuba is very interesting in computer-animation artists even his school had not teach this subject before. He has many idea about to produce a great animation but the school can provide enough computing power machine so he try to access to the mainframe computers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab. And he learns by himself to produce his first film, Fist Fig.

From this artist, I learn many things. Firstly, try to imagination everything such as Cuba think to do the computer animation which little people do that before. Secondly, if I want to success, sometime I need to never say impossible and easily give up because Cuba also cannot produce his animation since his school cannot provide enough power machines.



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