
wk 10 The Mitre System

The Mitre System


Ed Pegg Jr was graduated from University of Colorado Colorado Springs. He was studied the Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics and Master of Science, Applied Mathematics. He now is a webmaster and owner of www.mathpuzzle.com which provide many puzzle game base on mathematics theories.

Artist Statement

“Back in 1998, I (EPJ) noticed the Fisher Pavers over at Adrian's site. I considered these carefully designed heptagons and squares quite clever. They could make some very nice designs, but I didn't find them chaotic enough. So, I started playing with Autocad LT, trying to find something better.” Ed Pegg Jr said.

Artwork Highlight:

Here is one his found, with fans, pyramids, corks, and a few triangles.

Here is a Mitre System tiling that just uses two shapes, and an occasional third.

Computing Process:

Core Shapes and Supporting Shapes of The Mitre System. Patent Pending by Adrian Fisher and Ed Pegg Jr.

Firstly, it is combination to a simple shape and than continues to add other core shapes and supporting shapes. The shape can become from simple to more complex.

The below is a piece of final product.


The art of traditional Celtic pattern is very complex. The Mitre system can help to find out the pattern of the Celtic pattern more easily.

Compare with the Hyperbolic Planar Tessellations by Don Hatch, Ed Pegg Jr tessellation is more extensible. The Hyperbolic Planar tessellation can only within in a circle but the Ed Pegg Jr ones can be widely used on the ground, glasses windows…

May be someday we can use the Mitre system combine with GA to automatic generate those patterns.


The Mitre System http://www.mathpuzzle.com/Mitre2.html.

Hyperbolic Tessellation http://www.hadron.org/~hatch/HyperbolicTesselations/

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