
Case Study wk07 Visualizing complex analytic functions using domain coloring

Visualizing complex analytic functions using domain coloring


Hans Lundmark

He was born on the 15th of April 1970 in Skellefteå, and moved to Linköping in 1990. You can find these cities on a map of Sweden. Skellefteå lies near the coast in the northeast, and Linköping is about 200 km southwest of Stockholm.

He works at the Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, teaching mathematics most of the time, and doing research in between. He studies a branch of mathematics called integrable systems. He finished my PhD in November 2001, and spent the academic year 2002-2003 as a postdoc in Saskatoon, Canada. See his research page for details. His research is integrable systems, right now mainly the Degasperis-Procesi equation.

Artist Statement

Visualization of complex-valued functions using the domain coloring technique

Artwork Highlight

sources and sinks


moebius chess


glowing rings

Computing Process:

Example. Below are two plots of the function f (z) = sin(z3−1) / z :

  • An ordinary real plot y = f (x) from x = −3 to x = +3.

  • A "domain coloring" complex plot over a square in the complex plane (lower left corner z = −3−3i, upper right z = +3+3i). Each point z is colored according to the value of f (z).

Virtually all information in the real plot can be read off from just the middle horizontal line z = x+0i in the complex plot (once you learn how to interpret it). But the complex plot also reveals new phenomena that can't be seen in the real plot.


Hans Lundmark artist is also using the mathematical algorithms to generate. He uses the infinite function as the draw tool. Comparing with other artist for example such as Frank A. Farris, Hans Lundmark artist is more emotional and can present more “stores”. The art give me feeling about the infinite and systematic.


Halun http://www.mai.liu.se/~halun/

Frank A. Farris http://www.maa.org/pubs/amm_complements/complex.html

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